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keskiviikko 24. marraskuuta 2021

Kiina ja kvanttiherruus

What is more, the paper, appealingly titled “Closing the ‘Quantum Supremacy’ Gap: Achieving Real-Time Simulation of a Random Circuit Using a New Sunway Supercomputer” appears to dramatically improve over ORNL’s “Summit” results with far more compute cores in the loop (an incredible 42 million) and with mixed precision. The problem is that the simulations have been dialed back in complexity compared to the original experiment – quite significantly, according to Dmitry Liakh from ORNL.

“In their Gordon Bell Prize-winning work, the Chinese researchers introduced a systematic design process that covers the algorithm, parallelization, and architecture required for the simulation. Using a new Sunway Supercomputer, the Chinese team effectively simulated a 10x10x (1+40+1) random quantum circuit (a new milestone for classical simulation of RQC). Their simulation achieved a performance of 1.2 Eflops (one quintillion floating-point operations per second) single-precision, or 4.4 Eflops mixed-precision, using over 41.9 million Sunway cores (processors).” 

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