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tiistai 24. elokuuta 2021

Kevyt Linux

Itsellä löytyy kaapista kolme tietokone vanhusta. Kahdessa niissä on Intelin Atom -prosessori, toisessa yksi ydin ja toisessa kaksi. Muistia on muistaakseni 1Gt. Kolmannessa koneessa on Intelin Pentium M, vanha IBM Thinkpad X31. Ajattelin, että pitäisi kokeilla jotain kevyt Linuxia niissä. Eihän niillä paljoa pysty mitään tekemään mutta aikanaan IBM oli kallis. Siinä on titanium runko ja kaikki.

Tukevasti tehty ja muutenkin ihan kiva laite mutta nykystandardein alitehoinen (512Mt muistia). Latasin AntiX:n koneelle, pitää vielä ehtiä polttaa se DVD:lle, että voi kokeilla. IBM:hän ei enää valmista tavallisia tietokoneita ollenkaan. Myi sen Lenovolle, yksi Lenovon kannettava löytyy kanssa, sekin on hidas.


"The chip, designed by an IBM team headquartered in Poughkeepsie, New York in partnership with the IBM Research AI Hardware Center in Albany, New York, which created the underlying technology, may be able to identify, quickly, fraudulent activity when consumer credit cards are misused or abused, the company described in a blog post.

“With Telum, financial institutions will be able to move from a fraud detection to a fraud prevention posture, catching instances of fraud while the transaction is still ongoing,” the company stated in its blog post.

The chip will be manufactured by Samsung, a company spokesperson told WRAL TechWire in an interview, and the research and development process took about three years. The chip will be a part of what IBM called in a press release a “Telum-based system,” available at some point during 2022, according to the company.

Other use cases for the chip technology, contained within a Powerpoint presentation shared with WRAL TechWire by IBM, include potential customer behavior prediction, supply chain optimization, anomaly detection to enhace security, and workload placement.

IBM tekee vieläkin prosessoreita.

Our goal is to continue improving AI hardware compute efficiency by 2.5 times every year for a decade, achieving 1,000 times better performance by 2029.

 The chip contains eight processor cores, running with more than 5GHz clock frequency, optimized for the demands of enterprise-class workloads. The completely redesigned cache and chip-interconnection infrastructure provides 32MB cache per core. The chip also contains 22 billion transistors and 19 miles of wire on 17 metal layers.

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