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maanantai 28. maaliskuuta 2022


 Nyt kun peruspuhelimet ovat taas muodissa niin Nokialla on näpsäkkä malli tarjolla.

Nokia 105 on hintaa 24€. Ei hän se ilmainen ole mutta on aika halpa. Siinä on taskulamppu ja se on kätevä.

Alcatel 20.03 on 19.90

torstai 24. maaliskuuta 2022

Valtava kvanttiprosessori Ranskasta

Here's something we will only believe once we see it: A quantum computing chip the size of a large silicon wafer.

Paris-based quantum computing startup C12 Quantum Electronics is working on the multi-qubit chips in conjunction with CEA, the government-backed French research institution. CEA has an overall annual budget [PDF] of €5 billion and its own supercomputing bona fides, so at least the startup is getting some real research muscle behind it.

C12 said this new work is building from a "breakthrough in manufacturing quantum chips on 200mm silicon wafers." 200 millimeters equals roughly 7.8 inches in diameter, which is a very large surface on which to fabricate several qubits — short for quantum bits — the fundamental yet extremely delicate building blocks of quantum computers. Not many regular chip companies have even tried to make a wafer-size chip due to the multidimensional complexities involved. In recent memory, only Cerebras Systems comes to mind.

Sébastien Dauvé, CEO of the CEA-Leti lab, acknowledged the challenges ahead but said there is potential in combining C12's approach of making qubits using tiny carbon nanotubes with traditional CMOS processes used to fabricate wafers. They expect a "full final prototype" in 2024. 

Suuret on suunnitelmat.

maanantai 21. maaliskuuta 2022

Nokia T20 4G -199€

Näkyy Nokia T20 4G lähtevän Gigantista 199 €:lla. Hinta on edullinen tabletista, joka kuulemma aika hyvä. Itsekin voisin ostaa sen mutta kun satuin ostamaan Samsungin 4G tabletin niin ei tarvetta ole nyt. Kahta samanlaista tablettia on vähän turha ostaa. Nokian T20:ssä on iso näyttö, ehkä vähän liiankin. En ole 10" tablettia koskaan käyttänyt, mutta oma Samsungi (jossa on alle 9" näyttö) on tähän asti ollut aika hyvän kokoinen. 10 tuuman näyttö voi olla jo liian iso, ainakin sitä kannattaa harkita tarvitseeko niin ison. Hinnaltaan Nokian T20 4G on kuitenkin hyvä ostos. Siinä ei tosin ole 5G:tä.

Kannattaa huomata, että Nokia T20:n sisarmalli, jossa ei ole edes 4G:tä maksaa 30 euroa enemmän kuin 4G malli. Kannattaa olla tarkkana kännyostoksilla (ja tabletti).

Suppe suunnittelee

Googlers and UC Berkeley academics say they have devised a way to use artificial intelligence to design faster and smaller chips that accelerate artificial intelligence.

In a note shared on Thursday, the researchers said they have developed a deep-learning approach called PRIME that generates AI chip architectures by drawing from existing blueprints and performance figures. They claim their approach can produce designs that have lower latency and require less space than Google's in-production EdgeTPU accelerator and other designs made using traditional tools.

Google has quite an interest in this area. Last year, it said it had used machine learning to optimize the layout of one of its TPU designs. Meanwhile, traditional chip design toolmakers, such as Synopsys and Cadence, say they've added machine-learning to their software suites.

Tekoäly suunnittelee tekoälypiirejä. Tälläinen kehitys mahdollisesti räjäyttää tehojen kasvun, koska yhä tehokkaampi tekoäly voi kehittää tehokkaampia tekoälypiirejä.


tiistai 1. maaliskuuta 2022

Mooren laki

That’s the very familiar part of the SysMoore Era, of course. The Sys part needs a little explaining, but it is something that we have all been wrestling with in our next platforms. Moore’s Law improvements of 2X transistor density are taking bigger leaps to stay on track and are not yielding a 2X lowering in the cost of the transistors. This latter bit is what actually drives the semiconductor industry (aside from optimism), and we are now entering a time when the cost of transistors could rise a little with each generation, which is why we are resorting to chiplets and advanced packaging to glue them together side-by-side with 2.5D interposers or stacking them up in 3D fashion with vias – or in many cases, a mix of the two approaches. Chiplets are smaller and have higher yield, but there is complexity and cost in the 2.5D and 3D packaging. The consensus, excepting Cerebras, is that this chiplet approach will yield the best “tech-onomic” results, to use a term from de Geus.