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tiistai 1. maaliskuuta 2022

Mooren laki

That’s the very familiar part of the SysMoore Era, of course. The Sys part needs a little explaining, but it is something that we have all been wrestling with in our next platforms. Moore’s Law improvements of 2X transistor density are taking bigger leaps to stay on track and are not yielding a 2X lowering in the cost of the transistors. This latter bit is what actually drives the semiconductor industry (aside from optimism), and we are now entering a time when the cost of transistors could rise a little with each generation, which is why we are resorting to chiplets and advanced packaging to glue them together side-by-side with 2.5D interposers or stacking them up in 3D fashion with vias – or in many cases, a mix of the two approaches. Chiplets are smaller and have higher yield, but there is complexity and cost in the 2.5D and 3D packaging. The consensus, excepting Cerebras, is that this chiplet approach will yield the best “tech-onomic” results, to use a term from de Geus. 

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