The reason is the same as with every other digital technology: a Moore’s-law-style pace where performance regularly doubles while size and price plummet. In fact, the Moore’s law of drone technology is currently accelerating, thanks to the smartphone industry, which relies on the same components—sensors, optics, batteries, and embedded processors—all of them growing smaller and faster each year. Just as the 1970s saw the birth and rise of the personal computer, this decade will see the ascendance of the personal drone. We’re entering the Drone Age.
Halppisroboteista saamme kiittää kännyköitä ja liikesensoreilla varustettuja pelikonsoleita (Nintendo Wii). Halvat sensorit ja akut tekivät halvoista roboteista mahdollisia. Ilman sensoreita robotit eivät kykene näkemään ympäristöään ja itsenäinen toiminta on mahdotonta.
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