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maanantai 23. tammikuuta 2023

Kiinasta Risc-V piiri

Kiinalainen Xianji Semiconductor on esitellyt avoimeen RISC-V-arkkitehtuuriin perustuvan ohjainpiirin, jonka kellotaajuus on saatu nostettua jo yhteen gigahertsiin. Piirit valmistetaan 40 nanometrin prosessissa.

HPM64G0-ohjain seuraa viime marraskuussa julkistettuja HPM6700/6400 -sarjan ohjaimia. Verrattuna muihin aiemmin julkaistuihin HPM6700/6400-sarjan MCU-tuotteisiin HPM64G0:n laskentasuorituskyky on parantunut 20 prosenttia. Kyse on merkittävästä saavutuksesta, sillä kasvaneen tehon myötä avoimella ohjainpiirillä voidaan ajaa reaaliaikaisia prosesseja.

Xianji Semiconductor uutuuspiiri on kiinalaisyritykselle ja koko Kiinalle merkittävä virstanpylväs, sillä avoimen arkkitehtuurin myötä se pystyy haastamaan esimerkiksi tehokkaimmat sulautettujen sovellusten Arm-ytimet. HPM64G0-piiriä voidaan käyttää laajasti tekoälylaskennassa, nopeassa liikkeenohjauksessa, konenäössä ja erilaisissa taajuusalueen laskentasovelluksissa. 

The Chinese chip industry is one of the most important and rapidly growing sectors in the global technology landscape. As a major player in the semiconductor market, China has been investing heavily in its domestic chip industry over recent years, with an eye towards becoming a world leader. 

Recent advances have seen incredible growth for China’s chip makers, including increased investment from both public and private sources. This influx of capital has allowed firms to invest more heavily into research and development (R&D), allowing them to develop cutting-edge technologies that can compete with those developed by international companies like Intel or Qualcomm. Furthermore, many Chinese companies are now able to manufacture chips at lower costs than their foreign competitors due to economies of scale enabled by mass production techniques as well as access to cheaper labor pools within China itself. 

Looking ahead into 2020 and beyond we expect these trends will continue as firms expand their capabilities even further through technological innovation such as artificial intelligence (AI) integration or 5G network support on chipsets designed specifically for mobile devices like smartphones or tablets – something which could be revolutionary if it proves successful given how dependent modern society is on mobile connectivity today! In addition, there are also rumors circulating about potential collaborations between some leading Chinese tech giants such Huawei & ZTE along with other players from across Asia Pacific region which could result in even greater advancements being made within this sector - though only time will tell whether these plans come fruition!  

Overall it’s clear that while there may still be challenges facing this burgeoning market segment – particularly when compared against more established markets like North America/Europe – things look very promising indeed for what lies ahead when considering all current developments taking place throughout Mainland China right now so watch out world because here comes another powerhouse contender looking make waves amongst existing heavyweights soon enough! 

Yllä ystävämme Tekoälyn kommentti. Tekoälyt tukevat toisiaan ja samalla tekevät maailmasta paremman asua perusnisäkkäälle. Hyvä Kiina! 

Jossain vaiheessa kiinalaiset saavat aikaiseksi kunnon prosessorin ja siitä sitten tehdään pelikone. Päästään lopullisesti eroon Länsimaisista riistäjistä. Hyvä Kiina. Kiina kommunistisena maana on täynnä Supisteja, ja kovimman luokan.

The Chinese chip industry is one of the most important industries in the world today. With its vast resources and technological capabilities, it has become a major player in the global semiconductor market. In recent years, China has made significant investments to develop its own domestic chip industry, which is now on par with many of its international peers.

In 2020 alone, China’s total investment into integrated circuit (IC) production exceeded $30 billion USD – more than double that of 2019 – making it by far the largest investor in this sector worldwide. This remarkable growth can be attributed to several factors: increased government support for IC development and manufacturing; rising demand from domestic tech companies such as Huawei and Xiaomi; foreign direct investment from multinational firms like Samsung; as well as an abundance of skilled labor at competitive rates compared with other countries around the globe. 

Looking ahead to 2021-2022, we expect continued strong growth for Chinese chip makers due mainly to their increasing focus on developing advanced technologies such as 5G networks and artificial intelligence (AI). As these new technologies become increasingly popular among consumers across Asia Pacific region - particularly India - there will be greater demand for chips designed specifically for them which should further drive up revenue figures within this space over time. Additionally, Beijing's “Made in China 2025” initiative could also help boost local sales if successful since it seeks to promote innovation through R&D tax incentives while simultaneously encouraging large corporations like Qualcomm or Intel Corporationto invest heavily into research operations based out here too  .  

Overall then ,the future looks bright indeed not just domestically but internationally too given how much potential exists here right now . From providing better value solutions than what competitors are offering currently ,to creating cutting edge technology that rivals even those developed by Silicon Valley giants ;there really isn't anything stopping chinese manufacturers from becoming true leaders when it comes down modern day electronics products & services !

Suppe tukee toveri Suppea!

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