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maanantai 24. lokakuuta 2011


Tohtori Suzanne Gildert piti esityksen John Hopkinsin Yliopistossa kvanttitietokoneista.
I gave a talk at Johns Hopkins University on Monday entitled ‘Why the world needs quantum computing’. The video was for a general audience (no specific quantum physics background required). Here is a link to the talk. The video is available for download from this site!

Quantum computing is a revolutionary new breakthrough in technology. This talk will describe what quantum computing is, and how it uses our deepest understanding of the universe to provide a new type of computational advantage. I'll discuss ways in which quantum computers are beginning to be used in the world, in applications such as finance, medical diagnosis, intelligent games, genomics and University research. We'll go inside a quantum computer to see how the technology is radically different to other types of computing architecture, discuss how programming quantum computers can result in smarter applications, and explore ways in which you can get involved with this new computing revolution.

Kvanttitietokone edustaa uutta paradigmaa tietokoneilussa, jossa tehoa on tiettyihin sovelluksiin valtavasti lisää.

Kvanttitietokoneesta on suomalaismediassa puhuttu vähän vaikka kyseessä on valtava muutos tietokoneiden rakenteessa ja toimintatavassa.

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