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sunnuntai 20. marraskuuta 2011

Ohut kovalevy tabletteihin

Although the current storage technology of choice for tablets is NAND flash memory, the Singapore-based A*Star Data Storage Institute (DSI) believes that in the future the need for high-capacity local data storage will drive thin hybrid drives into tablets. To enable such devices, DSI has developed an axial field motor that is very thin and efficient.

Vaikka kovalevy teollisuus onkin nyt kriisiytynyt Thaimaan tulvien takia niin tulevaisuudessa myös tabletteihin voi ilmestyä hyvin ohuita alle 5 mm paksuja kovalevyjä.

Currently, the thinnest hard disk drive in the market for a 2.5" form-factor is about 7mm thick. In order to break into the media tablet market, the ideal thickness of a hard disk drive should be 5mm or less. Researchers at DSI aim to produce a 2.5" hard disk drive thin enough to fit into a tablet, taking the thickness of the current iPad2 (which is at 0.34" or 8.8 mm) as the benchmark target.

Kovalevy on vieläkin halvin tallennusmedia per gigatavu. Vaihtoehdot ovat huomattavasti kallimpia.

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